Vibrant fireworks bursting over a calm lake in the darkness.

Celebrating Independence Day: A Call to Change the Wind

As we celebrate the Fourth of July, our nation’s Independence Day, I am reminded of the words of Jim Wallis, a prominent Christian activist and writer. He once said,

“You change society by changing the wind. Change the wind, transform the debate, recast the discussion, alter the context in which political discussions are being made, and you will change the outcomes… You will be surprised at how fast the politicians adjust to the change in the wind.”

Jim Wallis

These words hold profound meaning for me as a pastor and a follower of Jesus.

Changing the Wind: What Does It Mean?

The Fourth of July is a time when we come together as a nation to commemorate the birth of our country and reflect on the values of freedom, justice, and equality that are enshrined in our founding documents. It is a day of celebration – yes, that means Fireworks, maybe a grilled hot dog, a parade, and some time outside or with family/friends.

But it is also a day of introspection—a time to consider the state of our nation and the path we are taking toward unity and justice for all.

While I have no intention of being political, most of us can probably agree that there are both political divisions and social tensions, and with both, it is easy to feel disheartened and overwhelmed. But Jim Wallis’ words remind us that change is possible, and it begins with changing the wind. What does it mean to change the wind? It means reshaping the narrative, redirecting the conversation, and reimagining the possibilities for our country. It means fostering a spirit of unity, empathy, and understanding that transcends partisan politics and ideological divisions.

Changing the Wind from a Faith Perspective

From my own faith perspective, changing the wind is about embodying the values of love, compassion, and justice that are at the heart of Jesus’ teachings and Christianity. It is about actively working to create a society where all people are valued and respected, where the marginalized and oppressed are uplifted, and where the common good takes precedence over individual interests. It is about challenging the status quo and advocating for policies that promote equity, inclusivity, and the well-being of all our fellow citizens.

Examples of Changing the Wind

Changing the wind can take many forms.

It can be as simple as engaging in respectful and empathetic conversations with those who hold different viewpoints.

It can be as impactful as advocating for legislative changes that promote equality and justice for all.

It can be found in community initiatives that seek to bridge divides and foster understanding among diverse groups (economic, racial, etc.).

It can be seen in acts of solidarity and support for marginalized communities.

It can be heard in the voices of those who speak out against injustice and inequality.

These are just a few examples of changing the wind in our communities and our nation.

The winds of change can be powerful, but sometimes the journey can feel overwhelming. Yet, faith serves as our compass, guiding us through the storms and reminding us of the light that shines even in the darkest of times. With faith as our anchor, we can navigate the challenges together, building a future where unity, justice, and compassion truly flourish.

As we celebrate the Fourth of July this week, remember that our nation’s history is marked by struggles and triumphs, by moments of division and moments of unity.

Honor the sacrifices of those who have fought for freedom and justice, and let us boldly commit ourselves to the ongoing work of building a more just and equitable society.

Join me in seeking to change the wind by engaging in conversations that bridge divides, by amplifying voices that have been silenced, and by standing in solidarity with those who are marginalized and oppressed.

In the spirit of the Fourth of July, we are agents of change, advocates for unity, and ambassadors of hope. Together we can work to change the wind in our communities, our nation, and our world, so that we may truly live out the ideals of liberty and justice for all.

As we gather with family and friends on this Independence Day, let us recommit ourselves to the vision of a nation where all are welcomed, all are valued, and all are free to pursue their dreams. Together, let us change the wind and set a course toward a future where unity, justice, and compassion prevail.

May the spirit of the Fourth of July inspire us to be the change we wish to see in our nation, and may it lead us on a path of healing and reconciliation for all.

Happy Independence Day, and may the winds of change bring us closer to the promise of a more perfect union.