A starry night sky with a bright, prominent star in the center.

A journey, a star, and an unexpected gift: the story of the Magi might seem distant from our modern lives, but it’s a reminder that moments of revelation can still guide us today. What light are you following?

Epiphany is one of those church holidays that often flies under the radar. It’s not as big as Christmas or Easter, but it carries a powerful message for all of us. The word “epiphany” means a moment of sudden understanding or realization. In the church, it’s tied to the story of the Magi—those wise men or scholars from far away—who followed a star to find Jesus. You can find the story in Matthew 2:1-12.

What Can We Learn From the Magi?

The Magi were on a journey, both physically and spiritually. They didn’t know exactly where they were going, but they trusted the star to lead them. That kind of trust inspires me. It’s easy to want everything in life to be clear and certain, but often, we’re called to take steps of faith without seeing the whole path ahead.

Have you ever had to take a leap of faith? Maybe it was starting something new, making a tough decision, or following a dream you couldn’t fully explain. The Magi remind us that trust and faith go hand in hand, even when the outcome is unclear.

How to Recognize Epiphany Moments in Your Life

I think we’ve all had “epiphany moments” in our lives—times when things suddenly became clear. Maybe it was a decision you needed to make, or a time when someone’s words or actions helped you see God’s presence in your life.

Those moments remind me of the star the Magi followed. Sometimes God’s guidance comes in small, quiet ways that we might miss if we aren’t paying attention. A kind word, a peaceful moment, or even a challenge can serve as a sign that God is with us, pointing us in the right direction.

Responding to God’s Light

The Magi didn’t just follow the star. When they arrived at the house where Jesus was, they worshipped him and offered gifts. Their journey wasn’t just about seeing something amazing; it was about responding to it. They gave something of themselves.

When we have moments of clarity or feel God nudging us, how do we respond? These moments are invitations to take action, to share what we’ve been given, or to trust God with the next step.

How to Follow God’s Light Today

This week, I invite you to think about the light you’re following. What guides your decisions, your priorities, or your dreams? Maybe you feel uncertain about where you’re headed, and that’s okay. God doesn’t always give us the whole map, but I believe God always gives us enough light to take the next step.

Here are a few ways to reflect on and follow God’s light:

  • Pause and Pray: Spend time in prayer or quiet reflection, asking God to reveal the next step in your journey.
  • Notice the Small Signs: Look for moments of kindness, peace, or connection in your everyday life.
  • Take a Step of Faith: Even if you don’t see the whole path, trust that God is leading you.

Where Is God’s Light Leading You?

Take some time to reflect on where you’ve seen glimpses of God’s light recently. Maybe it was in a kind word from a friend, a quiet moment of peace, or something unexpected that felt just right. Hold onto those moments. They’re reminders that God is with you, guiding you, just like the star led the Magi.

Where is God’s light leading you? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments, or feel free to reflect on your own. My prayer for you is that, like the Magi, you’ll have the courage to follow the light and discover the joy of meeting Jesus along the way.