Seven people sit around a long table in a chapel-like setting with stained glass windows and a cross.

Dear Disciples of Peace both near and far,

As I continue to recover from my recent back surgery, I have been reflecting on the importance of community and the ways in which we can come together to support one another, even when I am physically absent.

Martin Luther’s doctrine of the priesthood of all believers teaches us that every member of the church has a role to play in the life and mission of the congregation. We are not simply passive recipients of the sacraments but active participants in the work of the gospel.

During my leave of absence, I have witnessed firsthand how this doctrine has been put into practice. Our community has rallied around me, providing meals, transportation, and encouragement. Our worship assistants stepped up to lead worship services along with Pastor Jim Foster, and the members of the congregation have been faithful in their prayers and support.

This experience has reminded me that even when one person is unable to carry out their usual tasks, the work of the church continues. The priesthood of all believers empowers each of us to share in the ministry of the gospel, using our gifts and talents to build up the body of Christ.

As I prepare to return to my full responsibilities, I am grateful for the incredible support I have received. I am also encouraged by the knowledge that even when I am away, the church will continue to thrive, thanks to the dedication and commitment of all its members.

Together, we are the body of Christ, a community where everyone has a place and a purpose. Let us continue to support one another in faith and love, knowing that we are never truly alone.

“For we are all members one of another.” (Ephesians 4:25)