Hello, beloved community,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share some reflections from a sermon that was meant to be delivered this past Sunday. As some of you may know, I was under the weather with my first bout of Covid-19. I’m grateful for the recovery and the chance to connect with you through this blog post.

The Challenge of Illness

This past week has been a challenging one for me, testing my perseverance and reminding me of the importance of finding purpose even in difficult times. Experiencing Covid-19 firsthand, I can attest that it is no joke. While my symptoms were kidn of like a severe flu, the isolation and fatigue were particularly taxing. It’s remarkable how even the simplest tasks can feel monumental when your body is fighting off illness. There were moments of extreme exhaustion, where even sending a text message felt like a Herculean effort. It was a humbling experience, reminding me of the resilience required to push through such trials.

A Shift in Perspective

In worship on Sunday, Kristen Wilson spoke on Ephesians and the theme of unity (If you missed it – check out our podcast). Paul’s emphasis on building up the body in love is indeed a timely and crucial message, especially in our current world where division often seems to prevail. However, I felt a strong pull to stay with the Gospel of John, specifically Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse. This discourse highlights not only spiritual sustenance but also the perseverance and purpose that guide our faith.

Bread: More Than Just a Metaphor

Some might say that bread is a mundane topic. But for those who bake, like Pastor Bartels, or businesses like Cookies on Call, Golden Brown Bakery, and Sweetwater Bakery, bread is far from boring. The process of making bread, with its repetitive yet intricate steps, teaches patience and dedication. It’s a fitting metaphor for our spiritual journey – one that requires constant nurturing, perseverance, and engagement with our purpose.

The Bread of Life Discourse

In John chapter six, we find Jesus feeding a crowd of 5,000 with just a few loaves and fish, followed by a profound teaching about the true bread from heaven. When the crowd seeks Jesus again, their persistence is notable. They are driven by their physical hunger, but Jesus redirects them to a deeper need – the hunger for spiritual sustenance, perseverance, and purpose.

Jesus emphasizes that the true bread from heaven is given by God and brings life to the world. This bread, unlike physical food, offers lasting fulfillment. It is a sustenance that empowers us to overcome hardships, unite in love, and serve others. This discourse challenges us to persevere in our spiritual journey and to find our true purpose in the teachings of Christ.

The Persistent Search

The crowd’s determination to find Jesus mirrors our own search for meaning and fulfillment. We often look for tangible signs and assurances, much like the people who referenced the manna provided during Moses’ time. Jesus’ response shifts the focus from the miraculous to the divine source – God’s continuous providing for God’s people. This search for the Bread of Life calls for perseverance and a clear sense of purpose.

A Bread That Sustains

This spiritual bread is not just for individual nourishment but for the life of the world. It transcends personal achievements and distinctions, offering universal sustenance. It calls us to a life of love, service, and unity. The repetitive act of seeking this bread, like the daily task of baking, places in us the values and strength we need to navigate life’s challenges. This ongoing pursuit is a testament to our perseverance and our commitment to living with purpose.


As we reflect on these words, embracing the Bread of Life that Jesus offers becomes essential. This Bread serves as our source of strength, especially during times of illness, division, and fatigue. It reminds us of our call to love and serve, continually returning for more of what truly sustains us. In it, may we discover the perseverance and purpose to keep moving forward, week after week.

Like the crowd, may we always say to Jesus, “Sir, give us this bread always.” In this, may we find the perseverance and purpose to keep going, week after week.

Blessings to you all, and I look forward to seeing you next Sunday.

Feel free to share your thoughts or reach out if you need support or prayer. Until next time, may the Bread of Life nourish your spirit, guide your purpose, and sustain your perseverance.

Peace and love,

Pastor Travis

Hands holding a round loaf of rustic, crusty bread with a blue striped cloth.