Addressing uncertainty and affirming that it’s okay to say “I have doubts” about the Resurrection reflects a deeper engagement with faith [1]. Indeed, doubt can be a pathway to strengthening belief, challenging us to question and explore our convictions about uncertainty and the very foundations of Christianity [2].
Recognizing the value in wrestling with questions of faith, including doubt about the Resurrection, is crucial for spiritual growth [4]. It’s in this openness to questioning and the vulnerability of acknowledging our doubts that we can truly deepen our understanding and relationship with God [6].
Why Doubt Can Be Beneficial
Embracing doubt as a part of our faith journey not only acknowledges our human limitations but also opens us up to a deeper exploration of what we believe and why. Here are some ways doubt can be beneficial:
- Pathway to Growth: Doubt can act as a catalyst for spiritual growth, pushing us to question and re-evaluate our beliefs. This process can lead to a more profound understanding and a stronger faith [8].
- Clarification and Refinement: Through questioning, we can clarify our beliefs and discard any misconceptions or toxic beliefs that may have crept into our understanding of faith. This refinement process is essential for developing a faith that is both resilient and reflective of true Christian teachings [9].
- Promotes Authenticity and Inclusivity: By expressing doubt, we foster an environment where honesty is valued over total acceptance. This openness can lead to a more inclusive and accepting community, encouraging others to share their journey and doubts without fear of judgment [7].
It’s important to remember that doubt is not the opposite of faith but a part of it. In acknowledging our doubts, we are not showing weakness but a willingness to engage deeply with our faith, seeking understanding beyond superficial acceptance.
The Historical Context of Doubt in Christianity
In exploring the historical context of doubt in Christianity, it’s enlightening to see that even the closest followers of Jesus experienced doubt about his resurrection. Their reactions provide us with a profound lesson on the nature of faith and doubt:
- Initial Doubts Among Disciples: The disciples’ first response to reports of the resurrection was skepticism. They did not believe Mary Magdalene’s account of the empty tomb and the risen Christ, nor did they trust the testimony of the two disciples who encountered Jesus on a country walk [12]. This skepticism was also evident when Jesus appeared before them; despite seeing Him, ‘they doubted’ [12].
- Doubting Thomas as a Reflection of Normalcy: Thomas’s refusal to believe without physical evidence (“Doubting Thomas”) is often cited, but his reaction was not an anomaly. It reflects a broader theme in the gospels where the disciples’ faith is tested, and doubt is a recurring element [12]. The story of Mary Magdalene and the other women being met with skepticism further underscores this [12].
- Gospel Accounts and Doubt: The accounts of the first Easter morning across the Gospels all include elements of doubt. From Mary Magdalene to the disciples, and even those on the road to Emmaus, each narrative reveals individuals grappling with belief in the face of the extraordinary claim of Jesus’s resurrection [14]. This shared experience of doubt among Jesus’s first followers highlights that doubt has been an integral part of the Christian faith journey from the very beginning [14].
Understanding that it is okay and perfectly acceptable to doubt the resurrection reminds us that in our life of faith, we are called to trust in God and God’s promises, not to always get it right. This historical perspective not only validates our experiences of doubt but also encourages us to embrace them as opportunities for growth and deeper understanding.
Navigating Doubts About the Resurrection
Navigating doubts about the Resurrection, a cornerstone of our faith, can feel daunting. Yet, understanding that it is okay and perfectly acceptable to doubt the resurrection and that in our life of faith we are called to trust God and God’s promises, not to always get it right, can be liberating. Here are steps based on the disciples’ journey from doubt to faith, which might help us:
- Repeated Encounters: Just as the disciples’ faith was strengthened through repeated encounters with the resurrected Christ, we too can seek continuous engagement with the divine through prayer, community worship, and meditation on the Scriptures [12].
- Love and Community: The disciples found reassurance in the love and support of their community. Surrounding ourselves with a faith community that acknowledges doubts and supports each other can provide a similar foundation for our faith journey [12].
- Searching the Scriptures: The disciples’ understanding and faith grew as they searched the Scriptures. Dedicating time to study and reflect on biblical accounts of the resurrection can help us find answers and deepen our faith. This approach acknowledges that faith is not about simpleminded gullibility but a hard-won understanding that grows over time [12].
- The Eucharist: Participating in the Eucharist was central to the disciples’ experience. This act of remembrance can be a powerful way to connect with the profound mystery of faith, reminding us of Jesus’s self-emptying love and resurrection [12].
Remember, faith is a journey. It involves moments of doubt, but also moments of profound understanding and connection.
As we’ve journeyed through the exploration of doubt within the context of the Resurrection, it’s evident that wrestling with such uncertainties is not only a natural part of the faith journey but also a critical step toward deepening our understanding and relationship with God. Acknowledging our doubts does not signify a weakness in faith but rather an openness to grow and trust in God’s promises, even when we don’t have all the answers. This exploration reminds us that faith encompasses moments of questioning and, through these moments, invites us into a more profound engagement with our beliefs and the divine mysteries they entail.
The historical and personal narratives we’ve considered underscore the importance of embracing doubt as a pathway to a more enriched and authentic faith experience. By allowing ourselves to question and seek, we affirm that it is okay and perfectly acceptable to doubt the resurrection, reinforcing our commitment to a faith that seeks understanding. As we continue on our spiritual journey, let this reflection serve as a reminder of the dynamic, evolving nature of faith, encouraging us to further explore and deepen our connection with the spiritual. Subscribe for more insights and guidance on navigating the complexities of faith.
[1] – https://reasons.org/explore/blogs/reflections/addressing-doubts-about-the-faith
[2] – https://nickcady.org/2017/11/29/the-role-of-doubt-in-faith/
[3] – https://wholeheartedquiettime.com/blogs/blog/quiet-time-when-you-doubt-god-s-existence
[4] – https://www.quora.com/Why-is-doubt-important-to-faith
[5] – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/doubt-a-personal-history
[6] – https://www.about-i-am.net/04_dealing_with_doubts/
[7] – https://philipyancey.com/q-and-a-topics/faith-and-doubt
[8] – https://thebiblefornormalpeople.com/why-its-good-to-doubt-god/
[9] – https://doubtersparish.com/articles/the-benefit-of-the-doubt-how-religious-doubts-can-lead-to-a-more-mature-faith/
[10] – https://www.travisdickinson.com/dealing-with-doubt/
[11] – https://www.rethinknow.org/faith_and_doubt/
[12] – https://catholicexchange.com/disciples-doubt-resurrection-teaches-us/
[13] – https://www.courierherald.com/life/doubt-sometimes-leads-to-a-growth-in-faith-church-corner/
[14] – https://prodigalprof.com/easter/doubting-the-resurrection/
[15] – https://biblicalfoundations.org/doubt-and-the-resurrection/
[16] – https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-put-aside-my-doubts-and-believe-in-the-resurrection-of-Jesus
[17] – https://www.christianity.org.uk/article/doubt
[18] – https://roomfordoubt.com/post/doubts-about-jesus-resurrection
[19] – https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/7-ways-to-deal-with-doubt/
[20] – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/have-mercy-on-those-who-doubt
[21] – https://www.churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2020/17-january/features/features/a-brief-history-of-doubt-and-the-emotion-that-underpins-it
[22] – https://graceprovoked.org/index.php/study-series/struggling-with-doubt/chapter-4-the-origins-of-doubt