Snow-covered suburban street at dusk with houses and frosty trees.

Embracing the Stillness of Winter

As winter settles in, the world outside can feel barren and cold. The trees stand bare, the ground is frozen, and the days are short. In the stillness of this season, we may feel distant from the warmth and light we long for. But just as the Earth leans away from the sun in winter, we too may find ourselves leaning away from God without even realizing it.

Leaning Toward God in the Cold

Edward Hayes’ prayer in Planetary Pilgrim reminds us of how easily we can turn from God’s warmth and presence, seeking comfort in other things that ultimately leave us feeling empty. Yet, in the midst of winter’s chill, there is an invitation: to turn back, to lean toward the One who shaped the cosmos and fills our lives with light.

A Chapel of the Heart

Winter offers us a sacred gift—the opportunity to slow down, reflect, and enter the “chapel of our heart.” Just as Hayes describes, we can leave behind our worries and step into a stillness where we meet God. Silence becomes our sacred space, a place where words are not necessary because God already knows our hearts.

Praying for a Hurting World

The season of winter is not only a physical reality but also a metaphor for suffering. Many in our world face deep struggles—the winter of war, the cold winds of oppression, and the biting chill of loneliness. As followers of Christ, we are called to remember them in prayer, lifting up those in need and seeking ways to extend God’s warmth to others.

Becoming the Light for Others

Prayer is not just about speaking to God but about transformation. When we pray for others, we are awakened to their struggles. We begin to see their needs as our own. Our prayers move us to action, reminding us that we are Christ’s hands and feet in the world. In this way, our communion with God never truly ends—it flows into our daily lives as love and service.

Seeing Christ in Everyone

One of the most powerful lines in Hayes’ prayer is the request for “the grace to see you in all whom I meet and serve.” This sacred vision transforms the way we interact with others. When we see Christ in the faces of those we serve, every act of kindness becomes an act of worship.

God’s Presence in the Winter Season

Though the days may be dark and cold, God’s light is never far. The warmth we long for is not just in the changing of the seasons but in the presence of the Holy One who walks with us. Just as the sun will return and the earth will bloom again, God’s love remains constant, sustaining us through every winter of the soul.

A Prayer for Winter Days

As we step into the chill of this season, let us offer this prayer:

Beloved God, in this winter season, help me lean toward You. In the stillness, may I find Your warmth. In the silence, may I hear Your voice. Open my heart to those who are suffering, and move me to be Your light in the world. May I see You in every person I encounter today. Amen.

Walking Forward in Faith

Winter will not last forever. The days will lengthen, the earth will thaw, and warmth will return. But in every season, we are invited to draw close to God, to enter the sacred chapel of our hearts, and to become the hands and feet of Christ in a world that longs for warmth and love. May God’s light be your sun this winter day and always.